Marketing and the USWNT
When we talk about our passions, we have to talk about marketing and soccer. Marketing is what we do best, and soccer, we may not play it as well as Alex Morgan but we are very influenced by it; in our agency, we believe in teamwork and hard work to win every “match” in this industry.
But how much marketing has influenced the soccer environment? Well, the answer is a lot. Marketing has always been the main reason why soccer is the biggest and most famous sport in the world, from selling tickets and jerseys to putting the greatest players on video games.
But nowadays the focus has been put on female soccer, especially on the US Women’s National Team. They just won the 2019’s World Cup, and they have been showing us how soccer should be played for a long time. That’s why the USWNT home jersey is now the number one soccer jersey men's or women's ever sold on in one season
You might think “that’s the result of their hard work” and yes, it has a lot to do with that, but do we agree that marketing has done at least 50% percent of the job? Hard work combined with a smart brand behind brings out unbelievable reactions.
Nike recognized the power of the USWNT, they saw the opportunity of driving sells with them, and then they took a step up with their merchandise on every platform. And even though The U.S. Soccer Federation claimed men bring in more revenue and TV ratings, Nike as a company knows where the spotlight of marketing is these days; and in Elemento L2 we believe in the potential of that formula.